S & S Cycle 509G Gear Drive Touring Cam Kit 330-0017 Twin Cam 99-06
12.8.2023 | 13:29

The company was founded in 1958 by George J. Smith and Stanley Stankos in Blue Island, Illinois. Camshaft gear drive kits increase valve timing accuracy by eliminating timing chain lash and loosely-fit stock chain drive. Reverses the rear cam’s direction of rotation, providing additional operating clearance between cam lobes; as a result, higher cam lifts are possible with the gear drive kit. Kits include cams, inner gears, outer drive gears, inner and outer bearings, gasket and instructions. Material must be removed from the inner surface of the stock gear cover to install S&S gear drive cams. A hydraulic press and other professional-level tools are required to install these kits. Cam bearings and gaskets must be replaced when installing new cams. Cams are also available with inner gears only; intended for cam replacement for motors that have already been converted to an S&S gear-drive system. Made in the U. Excludes 2006 FXD models. Type: 509G; Timing Open: Intake 18°/Exhaust 46°; Timing Closed: Intake 18°/Exhaust 11°; Duration at. 053: Intake 216°/Exhaust 237°; Valve Lift : Intake. 509; Lift at TDC: Intake. See fitment guide at the bottom of this listing. LeClare Powersports is a small-town Parts and Accessories store in Springfield, MO. Our low overhead allows us to offer better prices than the’Big Boys’, but our owner-operated store allows us to give our customers the great customer service they deserve. Fitment guide (if available). Electra Glide Classic EFI FLHTCI. Electra Glide Classic FLHTC. Electra Glide Standard EFI FLHTI. Electra Glide Standard FLHT. Electra Glide Ultra Classic EFI FLHTCUI. Road Glide EFI FLTR. Road King Custom FLHRS. Road King EFI FLHR. Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI. Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI. Softail Fat Boy FLSTF. Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI. Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC. Softail Heritage Springer EFI FLSTSI. Softail Heritage Springer FLSTS. Softail Springer Classic EFI FLSTSCI. Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC. Low Rider EFI FXDL. Road King Classic EFI FLHRC. Road King Custom EFI FLHRS. Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI. Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI. Softail Springer EFI FXSTSI. Super Glide EFI FXDI. Wide Glide EFI FXDWGI. Softail Night Train FXSTB. Softail Standard EFI FXSTI. Super Glide Sport EFI FXDXI. Super Glide Sport FXDX. Super Glide T-Sport FXDXT.

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